The Ability to Adapt
Adaption after injury is a long and hard battle, but with perseverance, good friends and the right suppliers, you can do the things you love.… Read More »The Ability to Adapt
Adaption after injury is a long and hard battle, but with perseverance, good friends and the right suppliers, you can do the things you love.… Read More »The Ability to Adapt
Thousands of years of schooling, learning and education should have provided society with the most intellectual humans ever seen. The philosophy of ancient Greece, the mathematics of Babylonia and the nuclear science of CERN should make us superbly intelligent. So why do we choose to ignore them..? It’s because we race for the simplest way or the lowest common denominator…
I was recently interviewed by the Peak District’s Park Life magazine about my life in Derbyshire and how the national park has shaped my life… Read More »Park Life Magazine
During 2019 i’ll be leading two very different overseas adventures for 360 Expeditions. One will be to climb Stok Kangri in India, whilst the other is to cycle through Vietnam and Cambodia. Well they do say that variety is the spice of life..!Read More »Leading the Way with 360 Expeditions…
I fished as a youngster and have re-discovered the sport as a way to relax and learn. Stubby fingers and bland nerve responses don’t make… Read More »Learning to Fly
I believe strongly in inspiring youngsters and much of my work in schools teaches learning, life and leadership skills. Earlier this year I held two… Read More »Inspiring Primary Pupils
The phrase ‘Work Life Balance’ has been banded around since the 1980’s. Then the Yuppie generation armed with brick sized mobile telephones and Filofaxes worked until they dropped, stood up and worked some more. It was a time of overbearing pressure all in the name of money. ‘Work hard and you can buy your time back’ was a phrase I once heard at a speaking conference from a sharp suited, tanned and trained presenter. I’ve heard some ridiculous things in my time, but this must take the prize. The inference was to make a fortune by 40 and then retire, no doubt with an ulcer or two and a heart problem. The moment we become able to buy time as a commodity, is the time we should stop the world and get off…
I’ll be speaking at a RGS-IBG lecture which promises to be an exciting evening of adventure and drama. I’ll be covering some of my… Read More »Over the Horizon Lecture – RGS & MHT Blencathra Field Centre
As human beings, we have a great effect in the countryside we love and thats why I ‘Leave No Trace’. Here a few thoughts in… Read More »Tread Lightly
I first met Zoe through the Ordnance Survey and feature in her series ‘The GetOutside Interviews’. “I set an example by writing about my battles… Read More »Sploz Blogz – The GetOutside Interview
Earlier this year I travelled to Jordan with 360 Expeditions. I crossed the desert and experienced some beautiful historic sites with a group from the… Read More »360 Expeditions – Searching for a Desert Rose
An article I wrote for Blacks about my years of experience with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme… “Get away from the norm, think differently… Read More »The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award: Expedition Inspiration
While medication can help some people cope with their mental health problems, many also benefit from being outside more, getting some exercise and enjoying what… Read More »Walk and Talk
Winfields have launched ‘Walk & Talk‘ campaign to show how getting outdoors is one of the best antidotes for feeling down, overly stressed or generally anxious. For years, being outdoors has saved me more times than I can imagine. Here’s my story…Read More »Walk of Life…
Controlling your breathing is vital at altitude, but it can also help control stress and fear. A blog for Ordnance Survey on how my life… Read More »Take a Deep Breath
Many of us have mentors in our lives. They are the people who inspire us, drive us, motivate us, rollock us and guide us (usually in equal measure). Only a few days ago, I said goodbye to one of the best…
I’m a mountaineer. I climb mountains, love mountains and speak about mountains. People drive me as wild as I do them, because of my adventures, cock ups and rescues, but I travel to other places too. I’ve bashed through dense jungles, crossed open plains and sailed oceans across the globe. During late 2017 I decided that I needed a change. The year had been a tough one and I was tired. Tired physically, tired mentally and tired emotionally. I needed a break, but wasn’t sure what to do.
I’ve grown up in the Peak District and wrote a blog for the Ordnance Survey on how we have evolved together… “The word ‘Peak’ is… Read More »The Peak District – Britain’s 1st National Park
A blog with UK Climbing about Frostbite and how to avoid it…
A blog with Mountaineer Cathy O’Dowd for The ‘Business of Adventure’ website about my life in the mountains, speaking and the media. “I want people… Read More »Nigel Vardy – The Life of Mr Frostbite