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Inspirational Speaker

Is modern communication destroying adventure..?


Technology has entered our modern lives with a vengeance.  Whether we like it or not, the digital age has crossed the globe and there seems little escaping it.  I recently spoke at TEDx Derby, and challenged an audience of creative and technology driven people to think differently about the umbilical cord of the mobile phone, wi-fi and worldwide web…

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Going nuts in Brazil part III – Into the mountains…

And now, part III of the trilogy…

My final week in Brazil saw me where my heart feels the strongest – In the mountains.  Many people think Brazil is all Amazonian Rainforest, due to TV documentaries and  the environmental news it generates.  However only 57% of the country is cover by rainforest, with the rest being grasslands, savanna, wetlands and mountains.  There are many mountain areas, some climbing close to the 10,000ft (3000m) mark.  Getting into them is a slow and arduous job, unless you have the nerve to drive out of Rio and into the hills.Read More »Going nuts in Brazil part III – Into the mountains…

Going nuts in Brazil part I – Running round Rio…


Now you might think me going a bit soft by travelling to Brazil, after all, I am Mr. Frostbite!  Well, I’ve climbed in many hot climates across the world since almost freezing to death on Mt. McKinley and they bring with them their own set of problems.  The hot and sweaty climates play havoc with my skin grafts and I have to watch them much more than on a freezing mountain.  The risk of infection is much higher and the chances of damaging them increased.  All that said, I was invited to climb around Rio de Janeiro by good friends Fiona and Felipe and couldn’t resist…

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Shrovetide Football is a lesson to us all…

No-one is quite sure when the tradition of Shrovetide Football started in Ashbourne, but many believe it was before the mists rose from the dawn of time (or in the middle ages anyway). Whatever the history, the game is a legendary contest between two sides, played throughout the Derbyshire town over Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.  The BBC do excellent local coverage…

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