You can get in touch with Nigel by phone on +44 (0)7973 256785
Alternatively please leave a reply your name and contact details –
should you wish Nigel to get back to you.
Alternatively please leave a reply your name and contact details –
should you wish Nigel to get back to you.
Hi Nigel,
Just like to say the children at Dale School have been inspired by your visit for their Topic ‘Frozen Kingdom’.
We really enjoyed your enthusiasm and your life experiences that you shared with us.
Thank you very much!
Sophie Roome (and the Year 6 Team)
Thank you Sophie. It was a pleasure to speak with everyone and share my love for the outdoors…
Hi Nigel thanks for coming into our school I’ve been massively inspired by your enthusiasum when you challenge yourself and take many risks. You follow what you want to do most and i greatly respect that, so i hope you enjoy your next big expedition like many of the others!!!!!!!
Hi Nigel thanks for coming into our school you have really made a diffrent in my life thankyou cause now i can follow my dream too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Nigel thankyou for your visit i thought it was amazing. I liked the most where you told us about all your journeys up the moutains and showed us all of your eqiument.
hi just seen all your expeditions there great my favourite is indonesea cuz of coulor thanks for today me and my school apreciate it thanks for cumin to learn us about expeditons thanks
by Master James Fiore
Wonderful web page and very very interesting, fascinating, amazing ..I really really love it.. Thank you Nigel and best of luck for the future climbing x
Hi. Just finished reading your great book (picked up at a tiny 2nd hand book stall in Yorkshire), Do you have speaking engagements outside of the UK? We live in southern Germany (Swiss border). Thanks.
I have spoken in southern Germany (Nuremberg etc), but it has been by request. Of course, if you can find me an audience…
HI Craig,
Great to meet you too. Send me details of the Telemark festival and I’ll pass them onto my contacts…
Tele-turns sounds good..!
Hi Nigel,
It was great to meet you yesterday in Mountain Spirit, I’m glad to hear that the word is spreading about the Scottish Backcountry Festival. Thanks for your offer to spread the word to your blog and facebook followers. We have a newsletter that you can sign up to on our website, which will be the best way of keeping up to date with the plans for the festival.
Hopefully our paths will cross again and we may even get in some Tele-turns at some point!
Cheers for now,