Calling Occupants…
The internet and e-mail, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, Linked-In etc etc, have all increased the ability to contact one another, but are we listening..?
Read More »Calling Occupants…The internet and e-mail, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, Linked-In etc etc, have all increased the ability to contact one another, but are we listening..?
Read More »Calling Occupants…“Sticks and Stones Will Break my Bones, but Words will Never Hurt Me’ is a phrase which many of us grew up with as children, but is it true? I wonder if anyone reading this has never been hurt by words? I believe that words have the ability to convey beauty and love, but also horror and hate. I’d advise you say what you mean and mean what you say…
Read More »The Power of Words…In my final media blog I’d like to talk about the only media you can create yourself – Social Media…
During my past 20 years of world travel the way we communicate has changed beyond many peoples imagination. For centuries the handwritten letter, which had carried news of great empires, battles, decrees and Royal announcements was abandoned for the world of satellites and WiFi.