70 People for 70 Years…
The Peak District National Park is celebrating 70 years since its designation and has selected 70 people from the past, present and those looking to the future to represent them.
Read More »70 People for 70 Years…The Peak District National Park is celebrating 70 years since its designation and has selected 70 people from the past, present and those looking to the future to represent them.
Read More »70 People for 70 Years…I’m frequently told that I need to ‘Play the Disabled Card’ (apparently because everyone else does), but do we really need to go endlessly on about how hard life can be, or just get on with it..? How do we even define Disability..?
There are many ways to define a Disability in law, but this one makes sense to me – ‘A physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities’. What I would allow as a caveat is choice. The choice to be disabled or enabled. Let me explain…
Read More »Play Your Cards Right…I was recently contacted by Ben Baumann of the Roots of Reality Podcast. Ben is an historian from the United States of America and has always been fascinated by life’s greatest questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here? And where are we going? As a result, he decided to become a historian with a focus on the history of existence in the big picture and how it connects to our modern world, with the goal of taking our complex history and making it easy to understand.
My thanks to Buxton Mountain Rescue Team for accepting me as their President. I’ll do everything I can to promote the excellent work done by the team.Read More »President of Buxton Mountain Team..!
I adore Mountaineering and I adore Writing. Inspired by a meeting at the Kendal Mountain Festival, I’ve written a number of Love Letters to some of the Mountains I’ve climbed over the past 30 years. They’re a varied selection of peaks spanning the Himalayas, Africa, Asia, The Arctic and Europe.
I hope you enjoy them…
COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS! I’m very pleased to be an ambassador for The National Outdoor Expo at the NEC next March. Tickets are on sale now… Read More »National Outdoor Expo….
The Earths continual pitch has placed us into Autumn – to me, one of the most beautiful times of the year. The moors burst into bright purples and the trees slowly turn to reds, yellows and browns. Leaves rain down in the freshening winds and the nights draw in. Morning dew settles upon the grass as the evenings chill becomes more apparent. Autumn signals the slow end to a year I suspect many people would rather forget. Many lives lost, families forced apart and plans either cancelled or indefinitely put on hold. COVID-19 has changed our lives for the future, but I don’t think we should sit in the doldrums. Every Autumn brings change before the grip of winter takes hold and I love that change…
Read More »Forever Autumn…The COVID-19 lockdown is steadily easing and though times are still difficult, signs of relief are abound.
Read More »Volcanic or Tectonic…Recently I recorded a podcast with Jane Booth MBA of the OPUS 29 Consultancy about Finding the Happiness in Being You. We covered a lot… Read More »Coffee and Conversation Podcast…
The 21st anniversary of my fateful climb on Mt.McKinley has coincided with the COVID-19 Lockdown and Mental Health Week 2020. Here’s a few thoughts and… Read More »Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
Recently I was interviewed by Ian Skye on BBC Radio Derby about the present COVID Lockdown. I come in at 1:36:36…
This April and May will be the 21st anniversary of my fateful climb on Mt. McKinley in Alaska. Using original diary entries, 35mm slides and… Read More »McKinley 21…
On Friday 6th December I officially opened the ‘Big Screen’ In the Vicar Lane Shopping Centre in Chesterfield. The screen aims to promote Chesterfield and… Read More »Opening the “Big Screen”
I was recently interviewed by Christian Stahl about how my experiences on the mountains had changed my life. Taking decisions in critical moments is vital… Read More »Beyond Blindness Podcast
During 20126 I took part in the ICEMAN POLAR Race in Greenland. A film crew followed the race and produced this short film on the… Read More »The ICEMAN POLAR Race 2016
I believe strongly in inspiring youngsters and much of my work in schools teaches learning, life and leadership skills. Earlier this year I held two… Read More »Inspiring Primary Pupils
Winfields have launched ‘Walk & Talk‘ campaign to show how getting outdoors is one of the best antidotes for feeling down, overly stressed or generally anxious. For years, being outdoors has saved me more times than I can imagine. Here’s my story…Read More »Walk of Life…
An Article from the Daily Star from October 2014 “The family of one man feared dead in the Himalayan snowstorm disaster celebrated last night that… Read More »‘Mr Frostbite’ escapes Nepal disaster but many Brits remain missing
The modern world seems to rely on instant news media. Satellite communications and Social Networking relay information around the globe within milliseconds, against the hours, days, weeks and even months that used to be required. Though this has a good side, it can also cause unnecessary stresses and tensions, as my family found out recently…