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Mountain Walking Newbies Podcast…

I entered the outdoors as a young lad, with family days in  the Peak District, Tazzing about the fields and hills in the early 1970’s.  Since then my career has taken me Mountaineering across the world.
If you’re a hill-walker who dreams of going higher, further, longer, but don’t know where to start, Mike Potts hopes to provide advice, information and inspiration.

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Roots Of Reality Podcast…

I was recently contacted by Ben Baumann of the Roots of Reality Podcast.  Ben is an historian from the United States of America and has always been fascinated by life’s greatest questions: Who are we?  Where do we come from?  Why are we here?  And where are we going?  As a result, he decided to become a historian with a focus on the history of existence in the big picture and how it connects to our modern world, with the goal of taking our complex history and making it easy to understand.

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BecomingX is launched..! “If you knew what they knew, what could you become?” We all have potential. It’s the journey from dream to reality. From good… Read More »BecomingX…

Homeschooling Resources…

Here we are in lockdown 3.0  and once again COVID-19 sees many children being schooled at home.  Here’s a few links which you may find useful to keep their creative minds going.  They’re all engineering, creative, travel or outdoors based and I hope will be of use to you.  If you have any suggestions, please drop me a line and I’ll add them to the list…Read More »Homeschooling Resources…