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Men on Show Podcast…

Recently I was interviewed by Andrew Pain for his ‘Men on Show’ Podcast. Andrew is a down-to-earth motivational speaker on a mission to create decisive and resilient communities, break down stigmas and stereotyping, and inspire gender unity. He combines lived experience as a domestic abuse survivor, with 20 years of leadership and HR experience.

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The Kendal Mountain Festival 2022 – Good to be Back…

With Jessie Leong – Film Maker and Winner of then Peoples Choice Award

I’m a planner – I like to plan and prepare for my expeditions, speaking gigs and even my shopping.  The 2022 Kendal Mountain Festival was on its way, so I watched my films, prepared my weekend diary and trying my best to help the environment, I booked trains from Derbyshire to the Lakes.

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The phrase ‘Climate Emergency’ has brought forth a plethora of marketing opportunities and the internet is filled with people banging on about their ‘Green Credentials’.  Whether you are a ‘Greenwasher’ or not, we can take simple steps to reduce our impact on the planet; the kit we use and the clothes we wear can have an enormous affect.

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Play Your Cards Right…

I’m frequently told that I need to ‘Play the Disabled Card’ (apparently because everyone else does), but do we really need to go endlessly on about how hard life can be, or just get on with it..? How do we even define Disability..?

There are many ways to define a Disability in law, but this one makes sense to me – ‘A physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities’. What I would allow as a caveat is choice. The choice to be disabled or enabled. Let me explain…

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